(Short Term Consultancy)


Uganda Women's Network (UWONET)

Plot 710, Block 216, Mirembe Close, Bbuye Kigowa - Ntinda

  1. P. O. Box 27991 Kampala, Uganda

Phone: +256-414-286-539 / +256759330000

Email: info@uwonet.or.ug

Website: www.uwonet.or.ug

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwonet Twitter: @uwonet



Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET) is implementing a 2-year project focusing on strengthening the leadership and civic participation of women to promote participatory democracy, public policy and decision making for the country’s prosperity. The Her Voice project is implemented with support from USAID/ Uganda Civil Society Strengthening Activity (USAID/CSSA). The main purpose of the consultancy is to enhance women’s effective participation in leadership and civic processes including the electoral processes through music/creative arts. These Terms of Reference therefore serve as guidelines to compose a song and invited parties are therefore asked to tender for this work in accordance to the provided terms of reference.



Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET) is an advocacy organization that exists to coordinate collective action among women’s rights and gender equality stakeholders for the attainment of gender equality and equity in Uganda. UWONET was born out of the East African Women’s Conference held in Kampala in 1993 in preparation for the UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, China in 1995. Uganda Women’s Network’s membership is comprised of 24

National Women’s Rights Organizations and institutions, and 9 individuals.


UWONET is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with a Secretariat in Uganda. UWONET’ envisions a Ugandan society free from gender discrimination. UWONET’s mission is to transform the unequal gender relations through collective visioning and action. Additional  information  about  the  organization  can  be  accessed  on  the  website  via




Over the past three decades, UWONET has played a pivotal role in promoting women's participation in leadership and civic processes.

Since women’s active participation in leadership and civic processes is critical to the advancement of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) in Uganda and the promotion of a more inclusive and equitable society. This is recognized in the country’s commitment through the adoption of national, regional and international legal frameworks that advocate for equal participation and rights. These include the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Beijing Declaration and the Maputo Protocol.   Uganda’s 1995 Constitution mandates equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities. These frameworks and commitments provide a strong foundation for enhancing women’s active participation in elective leadership and civic processes.

Therefore, by leveraging the power of music as a tool for advocacy, education, and engagement, UWONET aims to enhance the advancement of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) in Uganda by amplifying the crucial role of women’s participation in leadership and civic / electoral processes.


The main purpose of the consultancy seeks to enhance women’s effective participation in leadership and civic processes including the electoral processes through music/creative arts. Specifically;

  1. Education, Awareness and sensitization: The consultancy aims to enhance public awareness of civic rights and the vital roles women play in leadership and civic processes to facilitate their effective participation. Furthermore, it seeks to encourage women and young women's participation in leadership and electoral processes.
  2. Inspire and empower women and girls: By using music to highlight the crucial role of women in leadership and decision-making. Music and creative arts can inspire women and girls to pursue leadership positions and actively engage in civic and electoral processes.
  3. Mobilize support and action: Music has the ability to evoke emotions and drive action.

Leveraging music as a tool for advocacy to mobilize support from various stakeholders and encourage them to take concrete steps towards advancing gender equality and women's empowerment.


UWONET believes in innovation and as such, the consultant (s) is encouraged to suggest the most suitable methodology for this assignment. A detailed methodology must be included in the technical proposal. The methodology will be discussed and finalized in consultation with UWONET by the selected consultant(s).

The consultant shall commit to abide and protect the rights and confidentiality of informants and abide by “do no harm” principles. All data and information collected in the course of the assignment will be used only for the purpose of the assignment and handed over to UWONET once the assignment has been completed.


Consulting firm/ consultant is to produce the following:

  1. An inception report (with an interpretation of TORs and financial statement).
  2. A draft song script for approval
  3. A 5 -minute draft audio song (English version) submitted for validation by UWONET English).
  4. A final 5- minute audio song (English version) with all comments from UWONET

incorporated. (in an-easy to share format on social media and other virtual platforms).

  1. Lyrics of the song in hard and soft copies. In Arial font and 11 size fonts.

6.0      TIME FRAME

The assignment is expected to last not more than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing the contract of engagement.


The consultant (s) during the course of the assignment will report to the Executive Director of Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET). Day to day support will be provided by the Partnership and Advocacy Officer and Program Officer, Women’s Leadership.


9.1 Academic Qualifications

The required qualifications are a minimum of Degree in the field of Music, Dance and Drama, Gender, Political science, Human rights, Law, Governance, Development Studies or any other relevant field from a recognized University.

9.2 Experiences and core competencies

  1. Proven track record in music composition. Extensive experience in composing, arranging, and producing music and a portfolio of previous work showcasing a variety of musical styles and successful projects.
  2. A clear understanding of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, local

leadership and national governance issues.

  1. Creative and impactful songwriting. Experience in writing songs that resonate with diverse audiences and drive social change.
  2. Proficiency in music production software and tools.
  3. Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and report writing skills.
  4. Demonstrated ability  to  complete  complex  assignments  in  a timely manner  and delivery of quality results.
  5. In-depth knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic and political context of Uganda
  6. Good communication and writing skills in English


Interested consultancy firms or individuals should submit an expression of interest, technical and financial proposal and resume(s) to the UWONET Secretariat by Monday July 15, 2024 by   11:59   pm:   via   email   at   info@uwonet.or.ug   cc.   consultancy@uwonet.or.ug   cc.

UWONET1@gmail.com . Alternatively hand delivery to UWONET office.

N.B: - Please note that UWONET will not be responsible in any way for any costs incurred in preparation or submission of the documents. Submission of a proposal does not give any guarantee of award of this consultancy. - Only those selected will be contacted.

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  • Last Updated July 15, 2024

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